Monday, January 21, 2008

Wetting the bed...

Oh the joys of waking up to the smell of urine! Kara is really big on wearing her panties to bed now because she "is a big sister and only babies wear diapers" (She's been wearing pull-ups to bed) She had an accident the other night and I must have been too tired because I didn't even wake up when she crawled into bed with us. I woke up to this smell and it was affecting my dreams...our poor little girl was sopping wet and curled up next to me. Somehow it was sweet despite the smell.
I have also learned how perceptive my three year old can be. The other day she walked up to me and told me she wanted to give me a kiss. I leaned down and she went towards my face with her mouth wide open. The conversation went something like this:

me: What are you doing?
Kara: I am giving you a kiss.
me: Honey, your mouth is open...
Kara: I know...
me: No, give me a real kiss.
Kara: I am
me: Kare-bear we don't kiss like that, not with our mouths open.
Kara: But you and daddy do. I want to kiss you like that.

So much for PDA in our house. I was laughing so hard! She's adorable and quite smart for her own good.

In other news, I will be attending my first ever ground-breaking ceremony for a building I helped design. How exciting!
Rafal is attending a design charrette in Pennsylvania this week also. Oh, it can be fun to be a grown-up (once in a while).



Lori said...

April, glad to see you aren't just a tease about this blogging stuff. I understand about the kissing thing. About 6 months ago, Ava did a similiar thing (although mouth was closed) and didn't want cheek kisses, she'd say, "No, Together". Meaning lips together. Just showing affection - although those kisses are reserved for mommy and daddy at our house too.

Zach and Nikky said...

Hi! This is Zach. Your daughter is adorable. It's good to hear from you and see that you and Raf are doing well. We do have a temple here in Memphis :) It's one of the bright spots in Memphis, aka Gothem City - the crime is terrible here. We still manage to find fun and beautiful parts of town though. Have a fun day!