So, hopefully, you sang in your head the Title of this blog. Twas the point...the theme song.
My apologies...I have been slacking on the blog. But I'm going to use my very viable excuse of being pregnant. We have been trying to get ready for our new addition.
Funny story:
We got all the large pieces to the crib from the basement, and Rafal was all set to put it together when lo and behold..."April, where are the screws and stuff for the crib?" uh-oh...I thought they were in a baggy taped to the crib itself. And I was we dug through every box downstairs and wound up empty handed. So we got on the good old internet and looked up the manufacturer to order a hardware kit, $20...not too bad. Well, there is a nice sweet sob story on the website that says any crib before and including the year 2004 cannot be remade or the hardware be ordered because they had a flood and lost everything. OF COURSE!!! That is just my luck. So, since being pregnant, tons of coupons in the mail, Rafal suggests let's just look and see what we can order (a new crib). Even with coupons and such, if we order one similar to the one we have it will cost us $350....OUCH! So I am not happy...hormones and all. I call up my old landlord and a whim and ask if he found a baggy of odd and end nuts and bolts in the closet under the stairs after we moved. He called me last night at 10:15 p.m. and says: "You must be a lucky person. I found the hardware." Whew, and a hallelujah!!! To me that little baggy was worth $350. I made the mistake of telling him that and he now jokingly keeps bugging me for his 350 bucks for his time and gas. So cheers, we have a crib again.
I am posting some really "sexy" pictures of...myself of course. Here I am 9 months prego! And cannot wait for this little one to come home.
Karolina knows it is March now and asks every day, "When is the baby coming out?" She puts her hands on my belly and gives the baby hugs and kisses and "listens" and says to me: "The baby is saying: 'mommy,mommy let me out'" She is too cute.
We went to the hospital for a "Tyke Hyke" on Saturday. They give the younger siblings a tour of the maternity ward, let them play with the bed..up and down, and see the new babies in the nursery. They also let the kids practice changing a real diaper on a real doll! Kara did surprisingly well all by herself. As we were getting ready that morning she asks me if we are going to the "hopsital" so that I can push the baby out and bring it home. Oh, my sweet angel, I wish it were that easy.
Life has been great at the Trojniak household. On the nice days we have been teaching Karolina to ride her bike. She almost gets the concept of peddling. It's fun to watch her.
In other exciting news, our neighborhood has been filling up. We now have 11 families living in our little sub-division. Very exciting because at least 4 of the families have younger children.
Karolina is doing great at her new school in De Soto. We signed her up for dance class, but she was less than thrilled about it, so we switched her to a "Stretch & Grow" class. It's an excercise class for kids and they talk about healthy things to eat. She comes home with pictures of fruits and veggies that have certain vitamins in them. We had BLT's for dinner last night and she expressed her love for tomatoes and lettuce. But the love didn't go farther than expression...she wouldn't take a bite of either. but she ate a whole bowl of grapes with her bacon cheese sandwich.
Well, folks, I am way excited about the baby coming. I have caught a second wind and have been washing every baby item I can find. I took the car seat and stroller apart this weekend and washed it all, the bedding for the crib, clothing, and blankets. Will definitely be posting pictures of the new addition as soon as I can. Let's hope it's sooner than later!
Before I started reading, I started singing the theme song...what a nerd!
I hope you are able to make it to mommy group tomorrow...then again I hope you're in the hospital having that baby!!!!! :) Good luck, congratulations, and let me know if you need anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucky save there with the screws. You look great - hope you are feeling good!
Good post. I'm looking forward to more of them.
ps - nice pregnant pics.
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