It is truly a great day today as April and I have finally arrived home with our newest bundle of joy. It is a boy and his name is Zachary Jude Trojniak. He weighs in at 7 lbs. 2oz. and is 19 1/2" long. He was born with only a little bit of a cry, and afterwards was very good. I guess Zachary was ready to come into this world. April's water broke around 4am Thursday, March 20th and around 9:41 am she delivered Zach. The labor itself didn't last very long and April and baby did great. We didn't try to find out what the baby was going to be before the delivery and so when the baby was delivered that was the first thing I looked for. I had been telling people that I had a good feeling about this baby and said I had a 55% chance that it was going to be a boy. Sure enough it was a baby boy and I was ecstatic.
I will probably be with April for the next two weeks as she gets back on her feet and Karolina gets adjusted to sharing time with another baby. April will be on maternity leave for 6 weeks and then will go to work. I am very happy to begin life as a father of two. At least now I can spend time with my baby and it won't be playing house or watching another Barbie movie. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my daughter, but now I have a little buddy to do guy stuff with. In fact its March Madness and we will spend some time watching the games this year. That is if April allows me to.
The most important thing is that the Trojniak name will carry on!!
Congrats to the Trojniak family and their newest member!!!!!
Please let us know if we can do anything to help you out!!!! (We would love to watch Kara for you so you can get a little rest!) Congrats again!
Kate, Seth, and Lillie
Yay! A baby! he looks like he will be mighty. And such a big mouth! I wasn't able to leave comments on the photos on facebook, but how in the world did you only be in labor for 4 hours and have him come out so clean?
Congratulations April! Your little family is so cute. I am excited to check in on your blog and watch your new little guy grow up.
Congratulations! How exciting. I saw your mom yesterday at church but didn't get a chance to talk to her or else I'd have known you had your baby! Glad you are all doing well.
Gratulacje kuzynie!!! Calusy dla April i Karolinki!
Congrats! I understand about the boy thing. Brad, my old boss, and Jason feel the same way.
Congratulations guys!!! He is beautiful!
I told you it was a boy! Congratulations! That's awesome...and you gotta love the short labor.
Emily Bengoa
OH MY GOD, he is sooo cute. UGH I am sad now "tears in my eyes" wish I could be there to hold him. I can't wait to come down there and see him. Congrats to you both. Mom and Dad will be down there soon with many gifts and losts of help. I love little Zachy already and can't stop jumping up and down with excitment. So excited that you guys had a boy "not that another girl would be a bad thing, but having a Neice and Nephew now is just perfect" I can't wait to buy him his first nikes and little cubby hat. Ralph, I will be on the hunt now for a little cubby hat for Zach and maybe a bears one but definately a cubby one, and maybe a shirt or two or three... You know Auntie can go a little bit crazy when it comes to those little guys. Well I'm so happy for both of you and your wonderful family and like I said before I can't wait to see the little guy and hold him. Love all you and big kisses for Kara and Zach!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for your family!
Karolina me get you nkd and take you to bed we can practise making a baby
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